This is the page where another approach to unconventional imaging made its debut on 29 May 2000.
What is done with this camera can, in principle, be done with any low light video camera and there are even more sensitive cameras on the market.
The method involves capturing frames from real-time video on-the-fly and summing them in groups. Then, several groups of frames are summed. The net result of this technique is to construct the equivalent of a long exposure by combining a number of 20ms short exposures.
Currently, the software written by Juergen Liesmann runs under Linux, Solaris and Windows in a Virtual Java environment.
Jupiter and Saturn (17/08/2000)
M2 (03/12/2000)
M3 (27/06/2000)
M13 (22/06/2000)
M15 (27/06/2000)
M27 (22/06/2000)
M27 Colour (05/05/2001)
M36 (03/12/2000)
M42 Colour (05/05/2001)
M56 (27/06/2000)
M57 (22/06/2000)
M57 Colour (05/05/2001)
M92 (27/06/2000)
Comet S4-Linear (2/07/2000)
Comet S4-Linear animation (2/07/2000)